output, performance
The parameter can have the values yes or no.
- No error message is generated for an inappropriate value.
- The default value is no.
When this value is set to yes, all of the modelling session performance parameters
supplied by X! TANDEM are written into the XML output file. These performance statistics recorded include the following
- list path, sequence sources
- modelling, estimated false positives
- modelling, total proteins used
- modelling, total spectra assigned
- modelling, total spectra used
- modelling, total unique assigned
- process, start time
- process, version
- refining, # input models
- refining, # input spectra
- refining, # partial cleavage
- refining, # point mutations
- refining, # potential C-terminii
- refining, # potential N-terminii
- refining, # unanticipated cleavage
- timing, initial modelling total (sec)
- timing, initial modelling/spectrum (sec)
- timing, load sequence models (sec)
- timing, refinement/spectrum (sec)
If it is set to no, then these parameters are not recorded.
see also: output, parameters |
output, results
X! TANDEM API description project